Thinking of strategies to promote a company is not an easy task. You need to think about size, budget, and a number of other issues before investing in any brand promotion.
To reach your audience, you always need to innovate! because the more people your business reaches, the greater the chances of sales. Do you know how many marketing actions exist only in the virtual environment?
No matter the size of your strategy, follow the list below and it will serve as inspiration:
1. Invest in Content Marketing
Content Marketing can be an excellent marketing action for your company. People who think that the concept applies only to digital marketing are wrong. For a long time, before the internet, companies did not measure their efforts to impact and enchant their customers through content.
Does the Michelin Guide sound familiar to you? That’s how it is! Marketing has enchanted people and customers for many years. Today, stocks are gaining strength with the use of the internet.
The best part is that these days, it is much simpler to understand and measure exactly who and how your company is reaching the public!
2. Learn about SEO
The English word Search Engine Optimization is widely used in any digital marketing strategy. Quite simply – so you don’t forget – SEO is what will make your site (or your company’s) appear in Google searches. Well, more than a decade ago it was no longer enough to just create a domain and wait for visitors to arrive. Well, it is necessary to optimize so that the tool values your creation.
In this post, it is possible to learn some tips on the subject. These are some good practices that will be decisive in the success of your digital strategy.
3. Believe in Email Marketing
There are people who not only do not believe but swear that email marketing does not work. But the data proves exactly the opposite: more than 92% of adults use email and 61% use it every day.
If you are not investing in it, you can start prioritizing that tactic in your marketing actions.
Remember that your email list shows exactly the number of people who have allowed you to create content and generate impact with your business. And don’t spam, okay?
4. Lead Nurturing by Email
More important than producing your email list is knowing how to manage it. There are many tools that can help you with that, but in addition to knowing which software to use, it is necessary to know what to do with them.
Sending interesting messages, dividing the audience by interests and personalizing the offer are excellent marketing actions.
Do tests and do not forget to accompany the data: how many emails are opened, which are the most successful links, and which are ignored.
5. Focus on Social Media
That is a topic that arouses a lot of interest, when we think about marketing actions. People of all ages, social classes, genders, and ethnicities use social media.
How many hours do you spend on Facebook? That is even the network that most grabs us. It is common to find the “connect with Facebook” button on a site and with the press of a button, we make purchases and all that.
6. Do A / B tests
So far, we haven’t talked about something essential to any marketing strategy: testing!
There are many guides that present all types of possible marketing action: from the simplest such as banners on your site to the most complex, with customization and creation of a central to serve your audience.
In addition to the actions that make sense for your business – a virtual store does not necessarily need offline actions, for example. Observe what’s working best.
A / B tests divide the same page into two versions (A and B) and seek to measure what is generating conversions.
What colors attract the most attention? Is there some type of text that is having success among your leads? Test!
A simple change can make a difference to your strategy!
7. Create a Corporate Blog
We have mentioned that Content Marketing is very important for your business. A simple way to apply it is by creating a blog for your company.
Creating a blog will allow your company to communicate not only with your target audience, but also with the thousands of people who use Google every day!
Therefore, do not create content that is only about your brand. Always keep people’s ailments in mind and focus on solving their problems!
8. Have a WhatsApp for your Company
This tool is the universal preference! There are hundreds of millions of people using the WhatsApp application every day! In addition to investing in your email list, it is interesting to start dividing and wrapping your contacts on WhatsApp. Creating campaigns that involve your contacts is a good trick!
To make everything more powerful – and professional – have a specific number for your company. Do not use your personal number!
It is possible to take advantage of this medium to have a more direct relationship with your target audience. Answer the questions and resolve the doubts. Depending on people’s response, it may be possible to sell to you using the tool! Take advantage of the fact that Mark Zuckerberg has put the stories function on WhatsApp too! Put exclusive promotions and even material to publicize your brand.
Optimizing your blog and site is also important! Add a button to “send by WhatsApp” on your pages. Accompany the number of openings of your messages and the return that this tactic has on your business.
9. Acquire Direct Traffic
Appearing for your customers’ searches on Google is very important, you know that. However, that is not the only way to be successful with your site. Direct traffic corresponds to all the visits that your site receives from people who have not searched for you in any search engine. When you want to access a news site that you really like, you may just type the first few letters and let your browser fill in the rest.
Thus, when creating a site for your business, think about the practicality that the URL should represent for those who type. Choose a strong, memorable name that makes sense for your business when you register the domain.
10. Have a community
Remember when we talked about social media? Well, a large part of the companies only invest in the dissemination of their products or services, but they do not prioritize the relationship with people through these tools.
Investing in marketing actions on the internet must go beyond the idea of advertising campaigns. People not only want to see promotions or your brand, but also, they want to feel heard and welcomed.
Is it possible for your company to have a group on Facebook? Building a community is a good start.
The important thing is that the environment is respectful, and the exchange of information is mutual. While your clients learn about your business, you will have the opportunity to chat and even have ideas to innovate and serve them in the best way. Thinking about marketing actions is not easy, but the result may be better than you imagine! We hope the tips have inspired you. For your convenience there are digital marketing service providers who manage everything for your website you just need to have a check on all activities.