What is SEO?
The first thing that we must clarify, if we really want to understand what this SEO services is about, is the term itself. Coming from the English language, Search Engine Optimization [SEO], refers to the set of techniques that can be developed to improve the optimization of a website for search engines. Basically, all those actions that you can, and should, perform to appear as high as possible in the Google ranking.
Its objective is to capture more “organic traffic”, that is, traffic obtained without any advertising expenditure that positions you in the advertisers of the platform in question. Traffic acquired naturally thanks to the optimization of your web content and other types of actions.
For example, if you search for any term on Google, you will find a series of results with the tag ad. All this is considered as paid traffic and would fall within the scope of SEM services. SEO services are fully focused on improving the capture of traffic through an improvement in the web positioning of the page. And it is something that, really, is written with some ease, but it is full of unknowns and requires work of a very diverse nature. These are the key areas you need to know.
On Page SEO
Within SEO services, it is possible to make a great division between SEO On Page and SEO Off Page. The On Page refers to any type of SEO action that can be carried out inside, within, the website itself. That is, the focus is on the optimization of internal factors: web architecture, internal linking, correct distribution of titles or keyword density, among many other examples. It is important to contract an On Page service with a professional SEO agency, because the tasks required are usually quite specific.
For example, you will need great SEO copywriters capable of carrying out copywriting that will make you fall in love and, at the same time, attack important keywords or SEO Managers that analyse the link juice of your site and optimize it so that you do not leave an ounce of authority. website along the way.
Off Page SEO
Instead, SEO Off Page takes care of factors external to the website itself. And you may ask yourself, how about the external ones. Yes, basically, Google gives priority to those sites most linked by other websites. This is his reasoning: “If many people send links to this website, it is because it must be of quality and a benchmark in its sector.” So, specialized SEO agencies must also take care of getting links, reviews and mentions of all kinds for their clients.
In this area you can, from buying newspaper articles, to leaving comments in forums that talk about the theme of your website. Imagination flies in the SEO Off Page. Really. Although not everything is as simple as it seems, establishing an effective link building strategy requires a great capacity to analyze logs and URLs. In fact, it is one of the most important SEO services.
Price of SEO services
We are not going to spend too much time in this section, since we already have a specific entry dedicated to this factor. If you want to know the average SEO price of Marketing agencies, read the following article. You can also request your budget with us without any commitment. We are an online marketing agency in Bilbao with more than 25 years of experience in the sector.
Advantages of SEO services vs SEM services
As we mentioned in the introduction to this article, SEO aims to increase the capture of organic traffic, as opposed to SEM, whose focus is to optimize paid traffic and the users that are captured through this channel. Next, we consider it opportune to highlight what are the advantages of SEO services with respect to their paid brothers.
Longer duration over time
Although it is true that the results of SEO web positioning strategies do not arrive so immediately, they win, by far, in the medium and long term. After three months, it is possible to begin to see significant improvements for the web page: greater traffic capture and a greater number of positioned keywords. And after 6 months, you will see some of your top keywords higher up in the Google SERPs. Once you have achieved this goal, it will be maintained over time with very few resources used. On the other hand, SEM campaigns require a constant expense, each day that you want to show your ad in Google Adwords. In the long run, it is undoubtedly much more expensive.
Capturing more qualified traffic
If you have a well-structured, planned SEO strategy and an affordable seo service, you will be able to reach your desired target audience. All this starts from the absolute understanding, by the SEO agency, of the search intention of the users and what the people who may be interested in your products or services write.