SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a set of techniques and tools that are used to optimize both web pages and landing pages, so that search engines, such as Google, can read them more easily and quickly.
SEO is not only used for search engines but also for users. It is essential that each page is relevant to the content and that they speak clearly and specifically.
Google today prioritizes those websites where their pages are being optimized and where relevant, new, and updated content for the user is uploaded. Based on this, websites acquire their Page Rank.
What benefits does implementing an SEO strategy bring?
A good implementation of SEO results in improving the ranking in google of a website and a better positioning of our brand in search engines with respect to the competition.
The secret of the success of your business on the Internet lies in how well structured and strategic your SEO is, because only its good practices can get us the necessary traffic to grow on the Internet.
So, we should start by talking about what SEO is. The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and consists of following the practices recommended by Google so that our content gains visibility organically (not paying) through the keywords for which we want to appear.
Now that we have explained what SEO means, let’s see what its tools are
SEO tools to improve your visibility
The SEO tools are divided between those that are paid and which are free. However, the really effective ones are paid, but offer a free trial period. Among its main functions are:
Some of the most important SEO tools are:
What is CTR in SEO?
The acronym CTR stands for Click Through Rate and its function is to indicate the percentage of visitors who click on a link with respect to the number of impressions that link produces. This parameter allows us to know the CTR achieved by an image anchored in our sidebar, a banner of your virtual store and a link placed to carry out the SEO backlink practice.
Difference between SEO and SEM
The most basic difference between SEO and SEM is money. While SEO turns its practices to achieve an organic positioning, which means free, through a battery of practices both within the page and outside it, SEM is the paid advertising campaigns that are developed through advertisements that appear on the results pages.
When we do a specific search on Google, many times we will notice that the first results are accompanied by the words “ad.” This means that said page has achieved its positioning thanks to a paid advertising campaign in the most important search engine on the web.
What is SEO and SEM positioning?
Understanding what SEO and SEM positioning is and how each of them works is what will allow us to be successful when it comes to gaining visibility.
Since they are strategies that complement and need each other, it would be a mistake to opt for one of them while completely ignoring the other.
SEO results do not happen overnight, but are usually the result of many months, sometimes even years, of hard daily work on our website or blog. However, the SEM allows for faster positioning. What we should not do under any circumstances is do without one of these strategies to dedicate all our efforts to the other.
Although your initial budget is generous and, therefore, you can invest in a strong SEM campaign, do not forget that one day the money may not accompany you in such a strong way, which will lead you to see yourself in the need to stop investing in your SEM and that will condemn your website to the dreaded anonymity.
Conclusion The fusion of both practices, perseverance, and meticulousness are the perfect cocktail to achieve the positioning that gives us the necessary visibility to catapult us to online success.